Saturday, June 28, 2008

Commonfloor Team Day - Bangalore

To mark my 12th day* at commonfloor, we had a team outing in Bangalore, complete with pizzas, pani-puri, bhelpuri, chocolates, cakes and my favorite - juices. After hitting the streets for 20 minutes, we reached an extremely beautiful place and spend some 3 hours there.

The 5 of us (Lalit, Sumit, Mitanshu, Satya, Vikas) waiting for Dominoes pizzas! A good start with pizzas prepares a good base for the day.

Its raining! Rains with regular breaks(read: photo sessions) puts (slippery) cheese on the base.

Baking the base for optimum time is very important for a good preparation. We at commonfloor believes in having good fun in the sunlight that follows the rains!

One step leads to the other. Putting the vegetable and sausages on the pizza is the next step. Put the pizza for baking quickly so as to satisfy the hunger and greed!

Congratulations: The final pizza is ready:

For more recipes, login to

Check out today's complete photo album:

*I joined on June 18, 2008